Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ten "Random" Things

Years ago during the undergrad days I kept a "blog" that only about 7 people read. I started doing a regular post that I called "Ten Random Thing" which allowed me post information for people to read without having to worry about putting it in some nice neat paragraph replete with proper layout and pictures. Don't worry, we'll still continue to do those kinds of posts, but on a day-to-day basis being able to simply communicate a bunch of information to you without paragraph transitions will be helpful to us. So here they are in no particular order, Ten Random Things.

1. The hot water in our apartment still does not get hot, though occasionally it gets tepid. Sometimes it doesn't even come on at all.

2. The metro system is great. We've had no problem getting around on it with Isaiah. People will always give up their seat to Cristy when she's holding him.

3. We saw some Russian graffiti on the side of a building yesterday. One phrase said lyoubov yest' Bog which means "God is love." Someone had spray painted a line through that phrase and had written above it Bog nyet, which means "No God."

4. 2008 has been declared to be "The Year of the Family" in Russia. With one of our main emphasis being family ministry could the timing be any better?

5. We found a Rynok (a mostly open-air market) yesterday that sells products quite a bit cheaper than one can find in the stores. We bought a boiling kettle for 370 Roubles (about $14.57). Later in the day we saw them in the store a store for no less than 1300 Roubles (over $50.00) We are pleased.

6. When our stove is plugged in all of the burners turn on. Therefore we must unplug the stove whenever we're not using it.

7. Isaiah continues to make people smile everywhere we go.

8. The less sensible the shoe, the more popular it is.

9. We're headed to church today at 3PM. It's the same church I visited when I was here in March. We pray that this congregation might be one that we could perhaps connect with.

10. There is a delegation of about 15 people here from the PCA for the next week, exploring how the Reformed Faith can be furthered here in St. Petersburg. They are trying to find a local Reformed Church to connect with.

-The Slawsons
(Thomas, Cristy & Isaiah)


Reed Nelson said...

We are so glad to know you have arrived safely and that God is already showing you so many funny and interesting things in just a couple of days. Imagine what a year could bring?!

The Nelsons

Brother Slawson said...

Sometimes it's hard to believe you are actually there now. It's also strange... but in a way, I almost feel closer to you guys now then I've ever been. We love you.
--The US Slawson 6