Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Update on Isaiah

So we're here at University Medical Center in Jackson. I'll give you the brief rundown on what's happened.

Yesterday (April 3rd) Isaiah was running a fever at home and started throwing up. Last time Isaiah ran a fever he had a seizure that just about scared us to death. Cristy went ahead and took Isaiah to Canton (about 40 minutes away) to his doctor. The doctor discovered that Isaiah had a bladder infection. This occasionally happens with children who have to be catheterized frequently like Isaiah does. While at the doctors office his temperature shot up and he had another fever seizure. He recovered quickly, but his doctor wanted him to go ahead and come to the Hospital just to make sure there was no shunt infection. As they suspected everything was fine with the shunt, but his neurosurgeon wanted him to go ahead and stay overnight just because he was having such a high fever and also to start administering the antibiotics quickly.

This morning Isaiah had another mild seizure, and we were told that they wanted us to stay one more night just to be sure everything was okay. Right now he seems to be doing much better. His temperature has dropped to almost normal.

We did find out another thing, though, today. A couple of weeks ago Isaiah had an EEG (don't ask me what that stands for). Children with spina bifida can occasionally have seizures related to that condition, and the doctors wanted to determine whether his first "fever seizure" weeks ago was connected in any way to his condition. Today they determined that it was. He has very mild seizure activity going on in his brain at times, and it is agitated when he runs a fever. Thankfully a very mild medication should remedy this we were told.

We are thankful for all of the prayers and support. We're doing alright, but we're tired. The Lord continues to be good to us always through these situations.

In Christ,
The Slawsons


Anonymous said...

hi, I read your news network and am always amused by it - just wanted to drop of a note to say that I'll be praying for your family and especially your little boy Isaac - hope that things get sorted.
God bless.

Anonymous said...

apologies - your son Isaiah (I was getting mixed up with my nephews name!)

Dave Teague said...

Hello, my wife and I thoroughly enjoy Tom-In-The-Box. We will add your family to our family's prayer list.

TSHusker said...

Isaiah is in our prayers, and your whole family - for the Lord's touch, peace, encouragement and strength.

May all of you rest in the grasp of HIS sovereign grace and mercy.

Doctrine Matters

Anonymous said...

Aw, bless his heart!

STill praying. . .