Well, things have been settling back in since Thomas returned from St. Petersburg. Isaiah and I were very happy to see him. While we anxiously waited to pick him up, we were able to have supper with my friend Erin. She's expecting her first baby this month. Baby Jack could be here any day! Anyway, we enjoyed some wonderful Mexican food and rather than anxiously waiting for Thomas' plane to arrive, which actually came on time!
Since he's been back, we've been getting back to business as usual. He returned to teaching at Covenant and preached the Sunday after he got back.
It amazes me how fast the time is going by. As Isaiah's therapists were here today, we looked at the calendar and decided when his last therapy session would be. I found my eyes tearing up. We made a presentation yesterday to the Sunday school classes at our church. The Lord has been so gracious to bring in our support through some very generous people. Every day we get closer and closer to St. Petersburg. We have over half our support and many people praying for us.
I'm itching to pack up our house. Everywhere I look I see something that we can either sell, store or take to Russia. Is it possible to feel claustrophobic in your own house when you didn't before it was getting time to pack up all your worldly goods and move multiple time zones away?
Anyway. This blog is really a lot of rambling, I think. I don't even remember really what I was intending to talk about in the beginning.
Speaking of Isaiah, I've never seen a person fight sleep like this adorable little boy. He'll do pretty well at night, but during the day it's unbelievable! I'll lay him down for his naps. Sometimes he'll have fallen asleep nursing beforehand, but he'll wake up the second the last part of my body is no longer in contact with his body. I'm glad that he likes being with me, but you should see his poor little tired eyes.
One really exciting thing: Isaiah is finally feeding himself! He eats lots of things with his hands now. It's amazing how much time this gives me during his meals. I can get all kinds of things done while he eats his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Changing subjects....I'm really excited about the friend that God has provided for me in St. Petersburg. Her name is Luda. Thomas met her at a church that he visited. We have been emailing since even before Thomas came home. She speaks excellent English and has a good since of humor. I'm really thankful that I will have someone close to my age to talk to and spend time with and minister to. She seems to be excited about us coming. She is new to St. Petersburg also, having just moved there in February. Incidentally her birthday is the day after Isaiah's. I just thought that was interesting.
Well, I suppose that I should end the rambling soon. But a few prayer requests first:
This weekend we will be traveling to Montgomery, AL to visit with some families and talk to them about partnering with us.
Please pray that Isaiah will sleep better! He gets so tired during the day that he is not able to work on his physical therapy.
Thomas will be preaching the 15th and the 22nd of this month.
Our church is having a missions conference the weekend of the 28th.
We are continuing to ask for people to partner with us in the work that God has called us to do.
We want to use the time that we have left before our move in a manner pleasing to the Lord. Please pray that we will have time to spend with friends and family to encourage and receive encouragement; to take advantage of every opportunity the Lord puts before us. To look forward with joy and not anxiety to the road ahead.
I'm sure that there will be future rambling posts in which I can update you with the wrapping up of our time here. Thank you for your prayers!
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