Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I was thinking today about friends that I have because of Thomas. Thomas is definitely the more extroverted one in our marriage. Sometimes I think that many of the people who like me, like me because I'm married to Thomas. Before you think that I'm feeling sorry for myself, please know that I'm completely all right with this. Sometimes it makes my life a lot easier. I don't have to put out all the energy that it takes to begin relationships.

Anyway. I was thinking about this today as I was driving to our friends' house to have dinner. Thomas is out of town this week. Usually we go to our friends' home together, but today it was just Isaiah and me. As I was driving I started to think about how I ride on Thomas' coattails fairly often. I was wondering about this, and then started to think that in some ways our relationship with Christ is the same way. Because of our relationship with Christ, we have a relationship with the Father. Because of our relationship with Christ, we have amazing riches. We have life because of our relationship with Christ.

Well, just a random thought while driving down the road.


Chris said...

It is a beautiful thought, too. I pray that I can be as much a blessing to my wife. :)

For what it's worth, I came to this blog through Thomas' humorous satire blog. ;)

The Slawsons said...

Thanks for the encouraging words, Chris! I'm glad that you can enjoy both the blogs. :)

May God bless you and your wife.

By grace,