Well, the last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity! Last week, Isaiah had a doctor's appointment every day except Tuesday, which was of course his birthday (just in case you missed that post). I won't bore you with the details of each visit, but let me just say that I was really looking forward to being home two days in a row this week.
We only had two appointments scheduled for this week: 12-month shots on Tuesday and the Blake Clinic on Thursday. Everything went well on Tuesday afternoon after his shots, including a trip to Wal-Mart.
Wednesday morning I woke up looking forward to spending the day at home. Isaiah slept really well that night and was still sleepy when he did wake up. I laid him back down for a nap before breakfast. At the risk of being too detailed, I'll give you a few more details. During breakfast Isaiah just wasn't himself. He was really droopy and not smiling at all as he usually does. After throwing up he started to turn blue and throw up again. Trying to keep my panic at bay, I did a finger sweep to try to remove anything lodged in his mouth or throat. Finding nothing, I picked him up and hit him on the back before getting ready to breath into his mouth. He was getting more and more blue and limp. After a few more hits on the back, his color began to return. I called a friend to get in touch with Thomas at school before calling the doctor. Thomas came home and we rushed Isaiah to the ER in Jackson.
We thought that he was having a shunt malfunction and tried to keep him awake all the way to Jackson, which normally is not a difficult task, but that morning it proved very difficult. The doctors and nurses at the ER were wonderful. They began treatment right away and had all the necessary tests completed within an hour! Isaiah's shunt was fine--Praise the Lord--no surgery required.
Here's what happened. In reaction to his 12-month shots, Isaiah developed a fever. His fever spiked on Wednesday morning, causing him to have a seizure. His fever wasn't incredibly high, for a baby. The doctor said that it's not so much how high the fever is but how quickly it gets there. So at some point during his breakfast of oatmeal, his fever spiked; and I had one of the scariest moments of my life.
Isaiah has been sick before, has even needed some very special care before; but nothing could have prepared me for Wednesday morning. I hope that none of you ever have to go through a fever seizure (or any other kind of seizure for that matter) with your child. I thought that he was going to die in my arms despite anything that I might do to try to keep him alive.
I am thankful that even in those moments of terror when prayers might not be able to be verbally made, our Sovereign is sovereign and knows our thoughts and hearts. While I was scared beyond description, somehow, by God's grace, I was able to function (no one is more surprised than me!) and even to pray quickly. I say that not to "toot my horn" but to acknowledge the work of God. I know that He is the one that enabled me to pray at that moment. He is the one that kept Isaiah safe. He is the one that gave the doctors and nurses and technicians the knowledge to do what they needed to do. I am thankful that He has let me see His hand at work in my life and Isaiah's life. I am thankful that He is sovereign in all things.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
Happy Birthday, Isaiah!
Well, we made it! As of 6:37 pm CST yesterday (Tuesday) Isaiah officially became one year old. What a year!
God has done exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think. Our little man has grown so well. Saturday we had a party at the home of our friends, the Notts. Most of Thomas' family was able to come, and we had a grand time.
Isaiah seemed to have such a good time! He was as adorable as ever. We enjoyed some great food, shooting a potato gun, bow and arrows, and even shotguns. Luke Nott, David Gilbert and Thomas also played their instruments so that the whole group could help us sing praise to God. It was some mighty fine singing, too. :) Who'd have thought that all that would happen at a 1 year old's birthday party. But, as the newest member of the family said, "You never know what's going to happen when you get together with the Slawsons." It truly was a unique time. For more pictures, see our album at our shutterfly collection.
I must confess though, that for me the past 4 days have been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster, in the best sense. On Saturday I found it difficult to talk to everyone as I was overcome with emotion from the past year. Not only was our baby turning a year old, but also so much has happened in that year. From the moment that he was born, no before he was born, we were wrapped in the love of Christ by our friends and family. Rarely have I felt so humbled on a regular basis. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, comforted us, supported us, distracted us, and gave so sacrificially to us. I trust that when faced with a similar opportunity to help someone else, we will seek to do as much, having learned from all of you.
Well, so yesterday was Isaiah's birthday, and this is what he looked like exactly when he had lived one year!
What a difference from the little man that greeted us one year ago.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. He is working so hard in his physical therapy! We're still trying to get him to drink from a cup (or even a bottle for that matter), so any advice you have would be greatly appreciated on that front. He brings us and everyone with whom he comes in contact great joy. We pray that the he will have the joy of the Lord in his heart and profess love for Christ very soon.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible before we move to Russia!
Cristy (for the boys, too)
Isaiah seemed to have such a good time! He was as adorable as ever. We enjoyed some great food, shooting a potato gun, bow and arrows, and even shotguns. Luke Nott, David Gilbert and Thomas also played their instruments so that the whole group could help us sing praise to God. It was some mighty fine singing, too. :) Who'd have thought that all that would happen at a 1 year old's birthday party. But, as the newest member of the family said, "You never know what's going to happen when you get together with the Slawsons." It truly was a unique time. For more pictures, see our album at our shutterfly collection.
I must confess though, that for me the past 4 days have been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster, in the best sense. On Saturday I found it difficult to talk to everyone as I was overcome with emotion from the past year. Not only was our baby turning a year old, but also so much has happened in that year. From the moment that he was born, no before he was born, we were wrapped in the love of Christ by our friends and family. Rarely have I felt so humbled on a regular basis. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, comforted us, supported us, distracted us, and gave so sacrificially to us. I trust that when faced with a similar opportunity to help someone else, we will seek to do as much, having learned from all of you.
Well, so yesterday was Isaiah's birthday, and this is what he looked like exactly when he had lived one year!
What a difference from the little man that greeted us one year ago.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. He is working so hard in his physical therapy! We're still trying to get him to drink from a cup (or even a bottle for that matter), so any advice you have would be greatly appreciated on that front. He brings us and everyone with whom he comes in contact great joy. We pray that the he will have the joy of the Lord in his heart and profess love for Christ very soon.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible before we move to Russia!
Cristy (for the boys, too)
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